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Upon This Rock

Upon This “Rock”
The Revelation Of Christ’s Kingdom
The “Called Out “Ones

Upon This Rock

Upon this rock is a Revelation of God’s divine plan for His Global Church. It has been 2000 years since Christ left the earth and this is the Era that He has chosen to usher His kingdom back to the world. This book will give you one of the clearest views ever of what Christ is expecting from His Bride, the Body of Christ. As believers across the globe join forces in the supernatural to become one new man in Christ, this will be the manifestation of the Kingdom Of God on earth.  As we begin to walk as one new man, we will be the landing pad for the return of the Messiah, Christ the Anointed One. Your life has been built on the ROCK, the Revelation Of Christ Kingdom. As Christ’s Ambassador, this book has been designed to equip you with His Kingdom Message. As the true believers of Christ come into divine agreement in the spirit realm; they will begin to lock arms in the natural in order to take back their cities and communities for the Kingdom of God.

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