Destiny Book Series
Living Single, Fulfilled and Happy: Readers Guide 6 x 9 Format

Living Single, Fulfilled & Happy
Living Single, Fulfilled & Happy

Living Single, Fulfilled And Happy is the dream of every person who is not in a committed relationship. The principles in this book will help you to understand what it is that you must do in order find fulfillment in life. Our culture has made it very hard and almost impossible for you to find true happiness but if you take the time to just read the first chapter of this book, you will find out differently.
Too often we are made to believe that we need to be in a relationship in order to find true happiness but unless you are happy as a single person, a relationship will only further frustrate your life. Find out how to become complete within yourself before you allow another person to define what true happiness means for you.
Living Single, Fulfilled and Happy: Leaders Guide 8-1/2 x 11Format

The book is also designed to be used for small group mentoring sessions in churches and Para-church organizations. As the divorcees in your group explore the cutting edge topics, they will impacted by the power of the Holy Spirit to take there rightful places in the home, church and community.
Your journey through this book will enhance your life following areas:
• Kingdom Empowerment
• Defining Life
• Finding Identity
• Building Relationships
• Pursuing Your Destiny